
With Career Hire’s expertise in identifying & recruiting hospitality workforce from Canada & abroad, you can grow your business faster!

Hire Smarter. Hire Faster with Career Hire

Career Hire is an Ontario-based hospitality executive search firm, focusing on individualised and personalised executive recruitment, specifically tailored for the hospitality industry in Canada.

We provide bespoke solutions to suit all recruitment needs. We provide expert advice of every aspect of the recruitment lifecycle, including talent acquisition strategies, candidate screening and selection, interview process, reference checking and onboarding. With our strong talent pool and wide reach across Canada as well as the world. We can help you find the right candidate that fits your requirement in a seamless & transparent manner.

We tailor our service to match every client’s recruitment needs, we ensure our candidates find the best career pathways to enrich their personal aspirations and long-term professional goals. Career Hire will be by your side throughout your career journey.  

Our Unique Approach Backed by Experience



QSR Chains

Industries We Serve



Retirement Homes

Retail Store

Restro Bars

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